- Create a happy and safe Bhutan through disaster risk reduction.
- Promotes supports and facilitates disaster management to reduce disaster risks, in line with the RGoB’s policy of Gross National Happiness.
- Coordinate disaster risk management at the national and local levels in coordination with relevant agencies.
- Raise awareness on disaster risks and their mitigation/ prevention at all levels.
- Enhance and strengthen capacities of disaster management authorities at all levels.
- Support poverty alleviation through grant of relief after a disaster Provide support to the local administrations in preparation of their disaster management plans.
- Facilitate effective disaster management through development of various guidelines and legislative framework.
- Facilitating exchange of information, experience and expertise.
- Integrity/ Honesty.
- Creativity
- Accountability/ Transparency
- Right Attitude/ Dignity
- Empathy
Core Business Area
- Develop and coordinate awareness raising and building capacities on disaster mitigation, preparedness and response.
- Develop disaster management plans at all levels.
- Maintain funds for disaster management.
- Develop guidelines and legislation on disaster management.
- Establish NEOC/ DEOC and maintain emergency communication network.
- Facilitate EWS in the Dzongkhags.
Products and Services
- National Disaster Risk Management Framework (NDRMF).
- Programme for Strengthening Capacities.
- Draft National Disaster Management Bill, 2008.
- National Disaster Manamgnent Planning Guidelines.
- Dzongkhag Disaster Management Planning Guidelines.
- School Disaster Manamgnent Planning Guidelines.
- Awareness Workshops.
- Institutional setup,Dzongkhag Disaster Management Committees, Geog Disaster Management Committees.
- Preparedness and Response plans.
- Inventory of past disaster.